The Daily Telegraph

Rio athletes to face first tests for gene doping

- By Henry Bodkin

OFFICIALS will unveil a new test at the Rio Olympics to catch competitor­s who cheat by injecting improved genes.

The doping was derided as science fiction when researcher­s warned about it more than 15 years ago but the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) is now so worried it has pledged to root it out.

Sports regulators believe that as legitimate gene healthcare therapies become more widespread, unscrupulo­us athletes will find ways of abusing the technology to gain an advantage. Experts warned yesterday that underhand medics will use synthesise­d gene sequences to improve strength and stamina. They said the technology exists to inject enhanced genes, using a harmless virus to deliver it to cells.

Arne Ljungqvist, former WADA vice president and honorary member of the Internatio­nal Olympic Committee, said: “People could end up doing it in cellars and kitchens just like the bad old days of steroids.” Athletes caught will be sanctioned retrospect­ively, as samples will be analysed outside Brazil and results will not be available during the two-week games next month.

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