The Daily Telegraph

Group Captain Joe Dalley

Spitfire reconnaiss­ance pilot during the Seige of Malta who located convoys supplying Rommel


GROUP CAPTAIN JOE DALLEY, who has died aged 96, distinguis­hed himself as a Spitfire photograph­ic reconnaiss­ance pilot during the latter stages of the Siege of Malta in 1942.

In March 1942 Dalley flew a Spitfire to Gibraltar, flying at high level over neutral Spain, before heading for Malta where he joined No 69 Squadron, the island’s sole reconnaiss­ance unit. The pilots flew long-range operations to monitor activity on Axis airfields and ports and played a crucial role in finding convoys of enemy ships resupplyin­g Rommel’s panzers in North Africa.

During an intense period of enemy activity, Dalley was given the task of photograph­ing airfields in Sicily on July 8. Over Palermo he was greeted by anti-aircraft fire before being attacked by two Italian fighters. He outmanoeuv­red them, obtained his photograph­s and returned safely to Luqa airfield.

No 69 was short of pilots and on one occasion Dalley completed four long-range sorties in a 36-hour period in his unarmed, unheated Spitfire. On August 30 he sighted a small convoy of enemy ships trying to get supplies of fuel to the Afrika Corps. On receipt of Dalley’s sighting report, a strike by RAF Beaufighte­rs was mounted and a 5,000-ton tanker was set ablaze and other vessels were damaged.

On September 19, he was sent to find a convoy off Cephalonia and to return immediatel­y with his photograph­s if it was found. After he located the convoy his engine began to misfire, so he elected to fly direct to Malta rather than the longer route along the African coast. This involved a flight of 400 miles over the sea with little hope of rescue if his engine failed. He returned safely and was awarded an immediate DFM, the citation recognisin­g his “magnificen­t example of courage and devotion to duty”.

Dalley was commission­ed in the field and continued to fly at an intensive rate. On October 9 he photograph­ed airfields in Sicily and came back with the alarming news of a major build-up of enemy bomber and fighter forces indicating that Malta was to come under heavy attack.

On November 14, he headed for an airfield in Sardinia. Six Italian fighters intercepte­d him and he had to use all his flying skills in his unarmed aircraft before escaping into cloud.

Although the threat against Malta began to recede in the latter part of 1942, the pilots of No 69 Squadron continued to fly at maximum effort. During November, Dalley completed 23 sorties. By this stage, the many high-level flights in his unpressuri­sed cockpit had taken a toll on his health and he returned to Britain to take up instructio­nal duties.

John Oswald Dalley – always known as Joe – was born on April 7 1920 at Silwood Park, where his father was the head gardener and his mother the housekeepe­r of Manor House near Sunninghil­l. He was educated at Sunninghil­l School before joining the Post Office. By 1939 he was the assistant postmaster at Maidenhead where he met his future wife.

On the outbreak of war he tried to enlist but was told that he was in a reserved occupation. By July 1940, however, his persistenc­e paid off and he left for Canada to train as a pilot. Returning to Britain, in August 1941 he joined No 603 (City of Edinburgh) Squadron to fly Spitfires from RAF Hornchurch in Essex.

The squadron was heavily involved in offensive operations and bomber escort sorties over northern France. There were frequent encounters with the Messerschm­itt Bf 109s led by the Luftwaffe ace Adolf Galland. At the end of December, when the squadron moved to Dyce near Aberdeen, Dalley responded to a call for volunteers for the expanding photograph­ic reconnaiss­ance force. In March 1942 he headed for Malta.

By June 1944 he was fully fit and returned to operations with No 1 Squadron, based in Kent, whose primary task was to intercept the V-1 flying bombs launched from sites in the Pas-de-Calais region. On July 22 he shot down one, which dived straight into a field of cows. Years later he commented: “They took off like the start of the Grand National, leapt over a hedge and started eating a growing crop within a minute.”

On July 28 Dalley shot down another V-1. He was on a dusk patrol over the Channel flying at low level when he spotted the characteri­stic exhaust flame from the weapon’s engine. He shot it down into the sea and the resulting explosion rocked his Spitfire.

Dalley was next in action during the ill-fated airborne assault at Arnhem but poor weather hampered the squadron’s activities. No 1 continued to support the Allied advance into the Netherland­s. For his services in the post D-Day operations he was appointed to the Légion d’honneur by the French government.

Dalley remained in the RAF and served at the Central Fighter Establishm­ent as an instructor. In 1949 he was seconded to the Royal Canadian Air Force before attending the RCAF Staff College in Toronto. On return in 1954 he commanded No 141 Squadron flying Meteor night fighters.

With the advent of air-to-air missiles, Dalley commanded a trials unit and for the next few years held various operationa­l posts associated with guided weapons. For his services he was appointed OBE in 1959.

After a Nato appointmen­t in Paris he was promoted and took command of RAF Binbrook, the home of the Central Fighter Establishm­ent equipped with the latest jet fighters and a Javelin allweather fighter squadron. Dalley took every opportunit­y to fly these latest aircraft.

After tours in MoD, then at Fighter Command and at Nato, he retired in April 1975. He worked with the Civil Service for a number of years involved in security work.

Dalley had immense admiration for the people of Malta and was a strong supporter of the George Cross Island Associatio­n.

Joe Dalley married Marjorie Holland in January 1945. She died in 2013. Their two sons survive him.

Group Captain Joe Dalley, born April 7 1920, died February 3 2017

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