The Daily Telegraph

Shakespear­e’s flowers at risk


BRITAIN is at risk of losing many of the wildflower­s brought to life so vividly in the works of Shakespear­e.

After a warning from Plantlife, a conservati­on charity, that many wildflower­s risk extinction, Gerit Quealy, the author of Botanical Shakespear­e, says Britons are in danger of depriving future generation­s of an important path into Shakespear­e’s world.

From cowslips described by the fairy in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, to wormwood used by the nurse to wean Juliet in Romeo and Juliet, flowers referenced by the playwright are now deemed endangered.

Plantlife is leading a campaign to protect wildflower­s from being mown in road verges, where many have now migrated from farmland.

Quealy said: “Shakespear­e is rooted in the natural world, letting that die will kill him for future generation­s.” Samantha Herbert

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