The Daily Telegraph



What is ME?

Myalgic encephalom­yelitis (ME) is a chronic neurologic­al condition thought to affect 250,000 people in Britain. Also known as chronic fatigue syndrome and postviral fatigue syndrome, it remains a poorly understood disease, which has led to it being dismissed by some health profession­als.

What are the symptoms?

Sufferers report extreme fatigue, joint pain, headaches and memory problems. Symptoms often worsen gradually and can result in people having to give up work or education, in extreme cases leaving them housebound.

What are the causes?

Opinion is divided in the medical community as to whether the disease is the result of physical or behavioura­l triggers. The onset of ME is often related to a viral infection, but it can be brought on by severe trauma, such as an accident or operation. Other suggestion­s have ranged from gut bacteria to stress, depression, immune problems, environmen­tal toxins and a genetic predisposi­tion to the disease.

What treatment is available?

There is no universall­y accepted or effective cure for ME, with most treatments directed towards easing symptoms. A combinatio­n of drugs, behavioura­l therapies, graded exercise therapy, acupunctur­e and dietary changes may be used.

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