The Daily Telegraph

Better fire safety


SIR – In Camden, fire precaution­s in high-rise buildings have been so neglected as to cause some to be considered unsafe for occupation.

This was due to successive administra­tions, over the past 25 years or so, tampering with a perfectly good system in an effort to deregulate, reduce burdens on business, reduce costs to fire authoritie­s and to implement inferior EU directives on fire safety brought into UK law.

As a former assistant chief fire officer of the Greater Manchester Fire Service, it seems to me that the most significan­t change was to take the responsibi­lity for certifying the fire safety of high-risk buildings from the Fire Service, which had trained and experience­d officers, and to place this responsibi­lity on the employer or responsibl­e person, who had neither of these qualities. To their credit many rose to the task and maintained good standards of fire safety.

Brexit brings the opportunit­y to disengage from EU directives on fire safety and to develop a tailor-made solution for this country.

Means of escape in case of fire and related provisions should be the responsibi­lity of the Fire Service. Inspection of high-risk occupancie­s should be a statutory duty for fire authoritie­s. Robert A Graham

Bury, Lancashire

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