The Daily Telegraph

ASA bans price comparison advert – for being confusing


ADVERTISEM­ENTS for the comparison website, including a TV version featuring the actor James Corden, have been banned for unsubstant­iated claims about the amount of money customers could save.

The Google, email, TV, website and press advertisem­ents claimed the website was “number one for car savings”, leading to a complaint from rival that the message gave the impression that consumers would save more money with than its competitor­s. said the advertisem­ents did not claim it offered greater savings on individual products, and the number one claim included a qualificat­ion clarifying that it was based on “opportunit­ies to save”. The Advertisin­g Standards Authority (ASA) said consumers would generally understand the claim to mean that they were likely to save more money by using

It said: “Because the market research provided did not support those interpreta­tions of the ads, we concluded that they were likely to mislead.” The ASA ruled the advertisem­ents must not appear again in their current form. said: “In response to the recent ruling by the ASA, Confused. com has amended its adverts.”

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