The Daily Telegraph

Future of EU citizens


SIR – While it is hard to argue that the British economy would not suffer if all EU citizens in Britain were to leave, let us remember that Britain is not the only country with anything to lose.

Those EU citizens are here to work because, despite recent improvemen­ts in economic growth, their own countries cannot offer them the same opportunit­ies.

Government­s in such places as Poland, Romania, Portugal and Spain must be dreading the prospect of those opportunit­ies ending. If they did, the current inflow of remittance­s would dry up. Thousands of returning workers would swell the ranks of the unemployed, and their families would need housing, schools, medical and other public services.

At the same time, because of the gaping hole left in the EU budget by the withdrawal of the second largest net contributo­r, there would be no hope of additional support from Brussels. On the contrary, increased contributi­ons are likely to be demanded of these countries.

No wonder politician­s across the EU want more than they’ve been offered.

Penelope Lenon


SIR – My wife and I are English pensioners who have lived in Germany for more than six years. Despite this, we are both firmly in favour of Brexit and urge the Government to stick to its position in the current negotiatio­ns.

Anything less will amount to betrayal and will, inevitably, lead to division and discord such as the country has not seen before. It is evident that the EU intends to test the Government’s resolve and to impose intolerabl­e conditions if allowed to do so. Those Britons actively trying to assist in this and to undermine the Government are beyond contempt.

Steven and Lesley Gooda

Tellig, Rheinland-pfalz, Germany

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