The Daily Telegraph

Space bears will be last creatures left on Earth

- By Sarah Knapton SCIENCE EDITOR

THE tiny tardigrade has been named the world’s most indestruct­ible species and the only creature that will survive until the Sun dies.

The eight-legged microbeast­s, which live for up to 60 years and grow to 0.5mm, will continue to thrive for around 10 billion years, Oxford University researcher­s believe.

Tardigrade­s, also known as space bears, are able to survive for up to 30 years without food or water, endure temperatur­es of up to 150 degrees Celsius, the deep sea and the frozen vacuum of space. Researcher­s from the universiti­es of Oxford and Harvard found that their astonishin­g abilities would protect them from calamities which would wipe out all other life on Earth. They said the only forces capable of harming tardigrade­s, such as a gigantic asteroid, an exploding star or a deadly gamma ray burst, are unlikely to happen before our own Sun dies.

Scientists say it gives hope that life could exist on even the most barren and hostile planets. The research was published in journal Scientific Reports.

 ??  ?? Tardigrade­s, 0.5mm-long sea creatures also known as space bears, could survive anything except an apocalypse
Tardigrade­s, 0.5mm-long sea creatures also known as space bears, could survive anything except an apocalypse

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