The Daily Telegraph

North Korea’s loathing


SIR – I visited North Korea in 2009 and in 2014. Everything I was shown and told was exaggerate­d or false, from lies about history and politics to children miming in “live” shows and model farms with actor-farmhands who disappeare­d as soon as our tour group’s backs were turned.

The one genuine thing we saw was the utter loathing for the United States and its allies. The people’s suspicions of the West and their devotion to (or fear of ) their leader was palpable.

Donald Trump’s posturing and threats (report, August 10) play into Kim Jong-un’s hands, giving him the internatio­nal recognitio­n he craves and on which he depends for survival.

Mr Trump is engaged in a very dangerous game. Does he know? Veronica Timperley

London W1

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