The Daily Telegraph

Low-fat diet may increase chance of an early death

- By Laura Donnelly Health editor in Barcelona

LOW-FAT diets could raise the risk of early death by almost a quarter, a study has found.

A study by The Lancet of 135,000 adults found that those who cut back on fats had much shorter lives than those enjoying butter, cheeses and meats.

Researcher­s said the study was at odds with repeated health advice to cut down on fats. Those doing so tended to eat too much stodgy food like bread, pasta and rice while missing out on vital nutrients, the experts said.

Participan­ts eating the highest levels of carbohydra­tes – particular­ly refined sugars found in fizzy drinks and processed meals – faced a 28 per cent higher risk of early death. The NHS cautions against having too much saturated fat on the grounds it raises cholestero­l levels, increasing the risk of heart disease.

However, the latest research, presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress in Barcelona, found that consuming high levels of fats cut mortality by up to 23 per cent.

The Canadian study tracked eating patterns and death rates across 18 countries.

Dr Andrew Mente, a researcher from Mcmaster University in Ontario, said: “Our data suggest that low-fat diets put population­s at increased risk for cardiovasc­ular disease.

“Loosening the restrictio­n on total fat and saturated fat and imposing limits on carbohydra­tes when high to reduce intake to moderate levels would be optimal.” He said getting the balance of fats and carbohydra­tes right was about achieving a “sweet spot” which was best for health, meaning around 35 per cent of calories should come from fats.

Although this is in line with NHS guidance, health officials still warn Britons to cut down on their saturated fat consumptio­n – found in butter, cheese and meat – to protect their heart.

Last year Public Health England suggested increasing the proportion of starchy carbohydra­tes in the diet. Dr Mahshid Dehghan, the lead researcher, said: “A high carbohydra­te diet – greater than 60 per cent of energy – is associated with higher risk of mortality. Higher intake of fats, including saturated fats, are associated with lower risk of mortality.”

But diet had little impact on heart death risk, suggesting it had a greater impact on other killers such as cancer, dementia, and respirator­y disease.

Dr Aseem Malhotra, a consultant cardiologi­st, said it was time “for a complete U-turn” in Britain’s approach to diet, and demonisati­on of fat. “The sooner we do that the sooner we reverse the epidemic in obesity and diabetes and the sooner we start improving health.” Professor Jeremy Pear-

son, of the British Heart Foundation, said health officials should re-examine dietary advice, to ensure the public was getting the best message.

“This study suggests we should perhaps pay more attention to the amount of carbohydra­te in our diet than we have in the past and we may need to revise the guidelines,” he said.

“What I don’t think people should do is get excited and think ‘I can eat as much saturated fat as I like’.”

Susan Jebb, an Oxford professor and the Government’s former adviser on obesity in the United Kingdom, said that the findings supported previous guidance.

She said: “This is a thumbs-up for UK recommenda­tions which advise up to 35 per cent of energy from fat and an average of 50 per cent of energy from carbohydra­te – of which only five per cent should be sugar.”

Dr Alison Tedstone, the chief nutritioni­st at Public Health England, said a high-fat diet could lead to weight gain and increase the risk of heart disease.

“We recommend a balanced diet based on starchy carbohydra­tes, while reducing total fat intake and swapping saturated fats for unsaturate­d fats,” she said.

The study also suggests three portions of fruit and vegetables a day are as good as five at boosting life expectancy. As long as portions were large – amounting to a total of around 400g – having any more than three made no difference to mortality rates.

And the best gains were associated with eating vegetables raw, rather than cooking them, researcher­s said. Those having at least three servings a day had death rates 22 per cent lower than those managing less than one. But more than that brought no extra gain, the study, led by Canadian researcher­s found.

Heart experts urged health officials to consider simplifyin­g current advice, saying it is much simpler to have three large portions a day as part of each meal than to fit five snacks in.

‘We may need to revise our guidelines. But people must not think: “I can eat as much saturated fat as I like”’

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