The Daily Telegraph

Horizon: Mars: A Traveller’s Guide



Hats off to the producers of Horizon, whose efforts to provide novel routes into hard science and make apparently forbidding informatio­n understand­able for the casual viewer are impressive­ly diligent and tireless. This fun premise, narrated by an uncharacte­ristically gruff Mark Gatiss, offers a survey of the Red Planet for those of us who may one day walk its surface. This is not as fanciful a notion as it may appear, with many experts believing that the first person to set foot on Mars is alive today.

Certainly, Mars: A Traveller’s Guide does a fine job of showcasing the jaw-dropping pace of scientific advances, musing on how humans could survive such an environmen­t both physically and psychologi­cally, and how the climate is being recreated for Earth-bound experiment­s testing everything from potential communicat­ion methods to the durability of spacesuits. Along the way, expect remarkable imagery of the planet’s sculpted peaks, gigantic craters and ravines that dwarf our own Grand Canyon, as well as a laboratory’s worth of articulate, enthusiast­ic boffins and, yes, a certain amount of speculatio­n over whether there is indeed life on Mars. Gabriel Tate

 ??  ?? A rough guide: testing out a Mars spacesuit in Hawaii
A rough guide: testing out a Mars spacesuit in Hawaii

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