The Daily Telegraph

Informed patients


SIR – James Le Fanu raises an important ethical issue in his piece on consent for clinical research and trials (Doctor’s Diary, November 20).

Thankfully, the law and profession­al guidance have moved from “doctors know best” to a more patient-centric model, where autonomy is king. It is important to make clear, however, that written consent is not the panacea, but simply evidence of a consent process.

Not all surgical procedures legally require written consent; in fact, such legislatio­n is limited to specific procedures referred to in certain statutes, such as the Human Embryology and Fertilisat­ion Act.

What doctors must focus on is having a full and open discussion with patients about their options and their concerns. While the signing of consent forms is regarded as good practice, it is not usually a legal requiremen­t. Consent means more than a signature and is not a complete defence against claims alleging invalid approval. Dr Pallavi Bradshaw

Senior Medicolega­l Adviser Medical Protection Society London SE1

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