The Daily Telegraph

Instagram to discourage taking of animal ‘selfies’

- By Margi Murphy

A GRINNING selfie with an exotic wild animal has become a rite of passage for some, with thousands posted on social media daily.

But no longer. Instagram is cracking down on the trend after warnings that the animals could be the victims of cruelty and abuse.

Searching popular tags such as #koalahugs and #tigerselfi­e on the photo sharing app will result in a pop-up warning that the snap might have been obtained inappropri­ately.

Last night, Cassandra Koenen, the head of wildlife campaigns at World Animal Protection, said there was a trend “for taking the ‘best’ photo to prove you were having the ‘best’ time”.

She said: “Having a photo with an animal ups the ante, but trust me, posing for selfies with them is cruel.” In photograph­s, koalas seen cuddling up to tourists are more likely embracing them because they are frozen in fear. Picking them out of their trees in itself can be distressin­g, Miss Koenen said. “They are terrified.”

Tourists on jungle tours in the Amazon often have wild animals “thrust upon them” for £10 photo opportunit­ies, she added.

Koalas and sloths, the most photograph­ed selfie animals on social media, are paying the price for these souvenirs. In Brazil, animal rights campaigner­s found a sloth snared and tied to a tree for photo opportunit­ies.

Dolphins, cats, dogs and orang-utans are not included in the Instagram list. However tigers, lions, turtles, monkeys and cheetahs, alongside sloths and koalas, will display the pop-up.

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