The Daily Telegraph

Why the UK will outperform the naysayers in 2018


You wouldn’t credit it to see the queues of traffic coming into London on Boxing Day morning, but post-christmas retail spending seems to have got off to a poor start, with footfall well down on the year before. Ridiculous though it might be to judge the outlook for the coming year on just one day’s experience, the numbers appear to have set the tone; forecaster­s are generally expecting another downbeat year for the UK economy.

The case for such gloom is easily made. The post-referendum spike in inflation may be largely over, but in the round, wage growth still lags price increases, and will likely continue that way for much of next year.

To date, households have compensate­d for this shortfall by borrowing more and saving less; even for the famously spendthrif­t British consumer, the thinking goes, there must be a limit to this propensity. Bank of England action to clamp down on unrestrain­ed growth in consumer borrowing adds another dampener. What is more, the post-crisis jobs boom may finally be running out of steam, removing another potent source of increased spending power.

Mix in the effects on business investment of Brexit and political uncertaint­y, and as I say, it is easy to make the pessimisti­c case. Yet despite these obvious headwinds, there are – lurking behind the scenes as it were

– a number of reasons for a more positive view. And no, they have very little to do with the supposed “sunlit” uplands of post-brexit Britain. If those uplands exist at all, they won’t have any meaningful impact for some years yet. The first, and possibly most important, is that the world economy as a whole is firing on all cylinders, with the US, Europe and China all growing relatively strongly alongside each other. This is the first time since the financial crisis we have seen such synchronis­ed growth; given the consequent boost to net trade, it makes it virtually impossible, absent of some unforeseen shock, for Britain to experience even one quarter of negative growth over the year ahead, let alone the two consecutiv­e quarters that qualify as an official “recession”.

Second, the fiscal squeeze of recent years is set to ease off quite considerab­ly over the next two years, with policy becoming mildly positive – £2.7bn next year and £9.2bn the year after. Again, this is the first time since 2010 that there has been backpeddli­ng on fiscal consolidat­ion. The amounts are too small to generate a boom, but it is a significan­t reversal none the less, with more money being found for the NHS and, in time, for enhanced infrastruc­ture spending.

Third, not everyone is seeing their pay squeezed. Indeed, it is the highest paid who are being squeezed the most. We don’t need to worry too much about them. Given already elevated disposable incomes, they are very unlikely to alter their spending habits by much to compensate. Instead, they will save less. The lowest paid, by contrast, are set for an above inflation pay rise of 4.3pc in April as the National Living Wage reaches £7.83. This increase will admittedly be offset in some cases by planned cuts to benefits. Even so, it is possible that in the round, the low paid could end up better off in real terms next year, not less so.

As for middle income groups, they are already over the worst in terms of the squeeze on real incomes caused by post-referendum devaluatio­n in the pound. This squeeze is set to fade over the course of the next 12 months, with resumption of some real wage growth by the end of the year.

Fourth, there seems good reason to believe that productivi­ty growth will from here on in quite quickly revive to something not so far off the pre-crisis trend. This belief in part reflects growing tightness in the labour market, with increasing­ly acute skills shortages in some sectors. Full employment both drives up wages, and increases the incentives to invest in labour-saving technology and training. It is true that evidence of such a dynamic has thus far been thin on the ground, even as the labour market tightens, but that doesn’t mean the old “Phillips curve” rules have been permanentl­y suspended.

Previous norms will eventually re-establish themselves; already we see early signs of it, with a pick-up in productivi­ty growth to 1.2pc in the three months to October, driven by fewer hours worked. With enhanced productivi­ty comes more resources for pay rises.

And finally, growth phases are normally brought to an end by the return of inflationa­ry pressures, necessitat­ing interest rate rises to dampen demand. Yet the Bank of England appears in no particular hurry this time around, and with good reason. There is still plenty of spare capacity in Europe and China to help keep the lid on inflation. Automation and artificial intelligen­ce are meanwhile likely to prove a powerfully disinflati­onary force in the years ahead, taking up where the globalisat­ion of the last two decades left off. Rates may therefore rise a tad over the next year or two, but not by enough to upset the apple cart.

Much could go wrong; the Brexit talks may reach a destructiv­e impasse, the stock market could crash, or possibly some catastroph­ic geopolitic­al event could break the present economic calm. But for now, it’s time to bury the pessimism and start investing in the future. Growth is more likely to surprise on the upside than the downside.

 ??  ?? A crowd of shoppers on London’s Oxford Street on Boxing Day. But across the country, fewer bargain hunters headed to the shops for the sales this year
A crowd of shoppers on London’s Oxford Street on Boxing Day. But across the country, fewer bargain hunters headed to the shops for the sales this year

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