The Daily Telegraph

Hands-on Yeltsin foiled by Queen


BORIS YELTSIN, the Russian president, threatened to spark a diplomatic incident when he attempted to put his arm around the Queen, according to newly-released government files.

The papers are among a batch from the Eighties and early Nineties released by the National Archives.

In a report of Mr Yeltsin’s visit to London in November 1992, KA Bishop, a Foreign Office translator, noted: “He even managed at Greenwich during the goodbyes to get a half-hug upon HRH the Duke of York, which could well have been followed by an embrace if evasive action had not been taken.

“[He] twice took the Queen’s arm and once even attempted to encircle her waist, but was thwarted (without offence being given) by the effortless skill of one with years of training! Should she ever visit Russia ... it may be worth pre-briefing her hosts that ... people do not ‘handle’ the Queen.”

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