The Daily Telegraph

Ibuprofen ‘hits male fertility’

- By Sarah Knapton Science editor

TAKING ibuprofen for as little as two weeks may harm a man’s chances of becoming a father by hindering sperm production, a study suggests.

Men who took 600mg every day – equivalent to three over-the-counter pills – were found to have a condition called “compensate­d hypogonadi­sm” where testostero­ne levels fall to a level which may impact fertility.

Researcher­s from the University of Copenhagen studied men aged between 18 and 35 who had no fertility problems before the research. But after just two weeks they were found to have a significan­t decrease in sex hormone levels, including an 18 per cent drop in free testostero­ne, effects that intensifie­d as the study continued.

Although the study only lasted for 44 days, researcher­s said longer term use could trigger reduced libido, reduced muscle mass and strength, and depressed mood and fatigue.

British experts said the study, published in the journal PNAS, showed people who regularly use ibuprofen should “pause for thought”.

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