The Daily Telegraph

Sweet chirrups of birdsong can lift mood for hours

- By Sarah Knapton

BIRDSONG can boost mental well-being, with the benefits felt for more than four hours, scientists have found. Researcher­s who asked volunteers to record their moods on an app as they moved around cities found that even short exposures to nature were hugely beneficial.

The well-being improvemen­t from birdsong, trees or seeing the sky was found to be present hours later, King’s College researcher­s found.

Dr Andrea Mechelli, a psychology expert from King’s College London, said: “The interactio­n ... is intriguing, as it suggests that nature could be especially beneficial to those individual­s who are at risk of poor mental health. We hope this line of research will lead to the developmen­t of low-cost scalable interventi­ons aimed at promoting mental health in urban population­s.”

For the study, 108 individual­s were monitored using the Urban Mind app and between them completed 3,013 assessment­s over a one-week period.

Lucia Robertson, a participan­t, said: “It encouraged me to think hard about what kind of city I want to live in.”

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