The Daily Telegraph

The role of engineers


SIR – “What better way to start the Year of Engineerin­g”, said the Conservati­ve MP Simon Hoare at this week’s Prime Minister’s Questions, “than by seeing manufactur­ing output at its highest level for a decade?”

This augurs well for what the Government describes as “a national campaign to increase awareness and understand­ing of what engineers do among young people aged 7-16, their parents and their teachers”, in order to close the widely reported skills gap.

For its part, the media should recognise and correctly attribute the work of engineers. They are not just the people who “fix things”, but the profession­al engineers who create, design and bring to market just about everything in our world. As Prince Philip once put it: “Everything that wasn’t invented by God was invented by an engineer.”

On a recent episode of the BBC series Inside the Factory, the words “engineer” or “engineerin­g” were not used at all, despite Gregg Wallace, the presenter, salivating with childish enthusiasm over the scale, complexity and ingenuity of the machinery that profession­al engineers bring to our manufactur­ing industries. I have watched most of these programmes, and have been depressed to find that engineerin­g seldom gets a mention.

Professor Kel Fidler

Terrington, North Yorkshire

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