The Daily Telegraph

Matt’s daily swipe


From his paintings, we know that the Duke of Edinburgh is no mean draughtsma­n, and from his public remarks, there is no doubt about his sharp sense of humour. If history had been different, he might have made a punchy cartoonist. So it was with particular pleasure that Matt Pritchett received greetings from Sandringha­m signed “Philip”. The Prince’s kind remarks were intended to mark the nation’s pleasure in seeing Matt on the front of

for an extraordin­ary 30 years. The enjoyable characteri­stic of Matt’s cartoons that was pinpointed by the Prince is spot on: they are “wonderfull­y appropriat­e swipes at the idiocies of contempora­ry life”. That’s what is remarkable – swiping with a smile in more than 8,000 cartoons, and fresh every time. Thanks, Matt.

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