The Daily Telegraph

Confront hard truths to improve integratio­n

In Telford, as with the Trojan Horse plot, we are slow to react for fear of being called racist


Sajid Javid told a story yesterday about how he used to miss school regularly to visit the doctor with his mother. This was not because he was ill, but because, more than a decade after coming to Britain from Pakistan, his mother could not speak English and needed her son to translate for her.

As a Muslim, and the son of migrant parents, the Communitie­s Secretary lacks the embarrassm­ent of many politician­s in asking people from minority communitie­s to integrate, and wanting to build an inclusive yet distinctly British identity. He knows, too, that integratin­g is not only about individual will; it also requires support. It is unsurprisi­ng, therefore, that Javid’s new integratio­n strategy provides a sensible balance between helping people to help themselves, and demanding more active citizenshi­p.

The strategy is unflinchin­g in its descriptio­n of a country that, despite many successes, remains too segregated. It reports that 770,000 adults in England cannot speak English and that 60 per cent of minority ethnic children attend schools where they form a majority. And Britain’s concentrat­ed minority communitie­s are growing in number: in 2011, 429 council wards were majority nonwhite, compared to 199 in 2001.

According to Dame Louise Casey, upon whose report the strategy is based, segregatio­n is more prevalent among Muslims and people of Pakistani and Bangladesh­i ethnicity. Birmingham, Blackburn, Bradford and Burnley all have wards with Muslim population­s of between 70 and 85 per cent. Half of British Pakistanis marry in Pakistan, often to a cousin or a member of their extended family. A study at Bradford Royal Infirmary found 80 per cent of babies of Pakistani ethnicity had at least one parent born outside Britain.

This matters because communitie­s that are cut off from one another cannot know one another. And when that happens, society is weaker. Trust can give way to fear, and solidarity to suspicion. Intoleranc­e and hatred can grow. And beliefs that should not be acceptable in a liberal country like ours can too often be tolerated.

So the measures in yesterday’s strategy – which include plans to get more people speaking English, support people from under-employed groups into work and empower women in minority communitie­s – are important.

This is no more than a start, however. For the Government’s integratio­n strategy to work, so too must its counter-extremism strategy. Because extremists do not want us to live together peaceably and they reject the liberal, pluralisti­c values of our country.

The Trojan Horse plot in Birmingham is a good example. Ofsted’s investigat­ion found an “organised campaign” to target secular, state schools to “alter their character and ethos” based on a “narrow faith-based ideology”. The main ringleader, Tahir Alam, is now banned from involvemen­t in all schools in England. Yet the campaignin­g organisati­on Mend (Muslim Engagement and Developmen­t), still holds events telling local parents that Trojan Horse was a Government conspiracy to “stigmatise” the Muslim community. The events have been attended by Kevin Courtney from the National Union of Teachers. And yet senior politician­s, including Jeremy Corbyn, Vince Cable and Baroness Warsi continue to support Mend on other issues.

The Government says similar “unacceptab­le practices” have been discovered in schools elsewhere. Extremists have also tried to use supplement­ary schools – which are often religious in character – to influence young people, and they operate successful­ly within colleges, universiti­es, charities and prisons. More must be done to stop them.

The problem, however, is not limited to ideologica­l extremists. Some extremism is cultural and no less pernicious for it. Thousands of cases of “honour violence” are recorded every year, forced marriage and polygamy are illegal yet prevalent, and 170,000 women here live with the consequenc­es of female genital mutilation.

But it is not just within minority communitie­s that we find the victims of this kind of behaviour. We have learnt this week more details of how a gang of mainly Muslim men from Telford systematic­ally raped white, working-class girls over many years.

After similar cases, in Bristol, Oxford, Rochdale and Rotherham, we know that sex abusers are not disproport­ionately likely to be from any one racial or religious group. But when these crimes are committed by gangs there is evidence they are more likely to be perpetrate­d by Pakistanih­eritage men targeting vulnerable, white, working-class girls.

In each of these cases, the authoritie­s have been slow to react because of concerns about being seen to be racist. This has to stop. To prevail against extremism and build a more integrated, cohesive society, we have to confront difficult issues. In Mr Javid, we may well have a minister brave enough to do so.

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