The Daily Telegraph

Red barrelled


SIR – As probably the last Watney still involved in brewing, I must comment on your vilificati­on of Watneys Red Barrel (leading article, March 17).

Yes, it was a pretty horrible beer, but so were the rest. Yes, the Mortlake brewery was known in the trade as the Gas Factory. Yes, Camra was the saviour of the brewing industry, and of course Watneys is no more.

But wasn’t their marketing great? Few car key fobs did not have a little red barrel hanging off them. The Red Barrel sign was the most recognised adornment to any pub. The advertisin­g was heroic in scale. And the Party 7: what a drinking icon.

Truly, marketing over matter. For that Watneys should be fondly remembered. Anthony Watney Bone

Chairman, Colchester Brewery

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