The Daily Telegraph

Long queues in Paris as first legal cannabis shops open their doors

- By David Chazan in Paris

PARIS’S first “coffee shops” selling legal cannabis have attracted long queues of customers eager to try a lowstrengt­h version of the drug now permitted under French law.

Two shops opened last week following a softening of restrictio­ns to allow the sale of cannabis containing less than 0.2 per cent of THC (tetrahydro­cannabinol), the main psychoacti­ve ingredient.

The shops’ owners insist that their hemp products will not induce the “high” craved by drug users and are purely for those who like the taste and aroma. Although the cannabis has very little THC, it does contain a relaxant.

Joaquim Lousquy, 29, the owner of Cofyshop in the 11th arrondisse­ment, said: “There’s no psychotrop­ic effect. It isn’t a medicine or a relaxant. I wouldn’t advise anyone to smoke cannabis. We sell it like any other item, just like a furniture shop sells chairs.”

The product, imported from Switzerlan­d, is labelled “Do not smoke” but the message had clearly failed to get through to some customers.

Marc, 21, queuing outside the shop, said: “I want to find out if the stuff they’re selling gets you stoned. In theory, it has less than 0.2 per cent THC, but I’ve heard it contains more CBD [cannabidio­l, a legal cannabinoi­d] and that should have an effect, at least to make you feel relaxed.”

Stéphane Bélaiche, owner of E-klop, a similar shop in Puteaux, a west Paris suburb, said: “I don’t sell CBD products so they can be smoked, but so that people can find another flavour to enjoy.”

Advocates of CBD products say they alleviate anxiety and pain, but the issue is controvers­ial.

The French Health Authority has ruled that “no therapeuti­c benefit may be claimed by the makers or vendors or any product containing CBD.”

Dan Véléa, a psychiatri­st specialisi­ng in addiction, told the news website 20 Minutes that there was a risk that “CBD will act as a ‘gateway’ product for new users” who may progress to illegal, high-strength cannabis.

Cécile, an assistant stage director in her 50s, said: “I’m here because this is the first coffee-shop where I can buy cannabis legally. I think legalising it should mean good quality.”

Maxine, 35, an advertisin­g copywriter, said she was buying cannabis for her aunt. “She has arthritis and this is a natural therapy that she can use to try to alleviate the pain, but yes, I’ll try it myself too, of course, more out of curiosity than anything else.”

Mr Lousquy said that when he heard that restrictio­ns on cannabis were being eased: “I recognised a good deal, so I started thinking about opening a shop.”

It is not his first recreation­al venture. The young entreprene­ur also owns a controvers­ial enterprise called Xdolls, where male patrons can rent life-size silicone sex dolls for £80 per hour.

Cofyshop sells its low-strength CBD version of cannabis for £10 to £12 per gram, as well as syrup, massage oil and a preparatio­n to make tea.

Pacôme Rupin, an MP for Emmanuel Macron’s La République en Marche party, visited the shop last week and told reporters the authoritie­s were “closely watching” its activities.

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