The Daily Telegraph

Theresa May must go if Brexit is to succeed


SIR – I think I am the biggest ever donor to the Tories, but I shall never give them money again while Theresa May is their (contemptib­ly cowardly) leader.

I am a passionate supporter of a clean Brexit – i.e. what the population voted for. But Mrs May fails to realise that the EU needs a deal far more than the UK does.

“Nothing is agreed until everything is agreed”, both sides say. So Mrs May should (but will not) instruct David Davis – or preferably Jacob Reesmogg, whom she should appoint in his place – to tell EU negotiator­s that they must give way on all trade points or there will be no deal. Fine for us, disastrous for them.

If Mrs May lost the leadership, that would not lead to a general election. But if it did, the Tories would win, because those who deserted the party in 2017 when Mrs May was “certain to win a big majority” would come flocking back.

Stuart Wheeler London SW1

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