The Daily Telegraph

Religious majority


SIR – In your news item “Parents should not be allowed to opt children out of RE classes” (July 18), you report that Charles Clarke and Linda Woodhead want a new settlement renaming Religious Education as “Religion, Belief and Values”, on the grounds that most people in England now say they have no religion.

Our only comprehens­ive and reliable figures on this come from the 2011 census. These show that 67.1 per cent of the population, responding to a voluntary question, declared some kind of religious affiliatio­n; 7.2 per cent did not answer, and the rest (25.7 per cent) said they had no religion.

Even within the last category, as Professor Woodhead has admitted, “nones” do not necessaril­y mean people with no religious or spiritual beliefs at all, but those who are not affiliated to a religious organisati­on. Only some of this category would lack any religious belief.

On closer examinatio­n, therefore, the claim that the majority of people have no religion evaporates and the case for maintainin­g the current legal arrangemen­ts for the teaching of Religious Education remains strong. Guy Hordern

Rt Rev Michael Nazir-ali

The Ven Norman Russell and six others: see Christian Coalition for Education London W1

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