The Daily Telegraph

Airport dawn liquor


At airports, whole families of well-nourished holidaymak­ers are a familiar sight tucking into a good cooked breakfast accompanie­d by a pint or two of lager. It is not (by and large) that they follow this pattern of consumptio­n at home; breakfast boozing is for them a sign the holiday has begun. Now a three-cornered fight has broken out between airlines like Ryanair, which want to sell drink on board (in regulated measures, they insist), airports, which want to keep 24-hour terrestria­l alcohol sales, and anti-alcohol groups. But drink is, after all, available on demand at most holiday spots. If the temptation to get blotto at the airport is too much for some, they’ll hardly draw a sober breath abroad, and end up in some vile oubliette, with a hangover but without habeas corpus. The airport breakfast test might be thought a useful filter.

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