The Herald - The Herald Magazine



YOU might think there’s zilch to be done in the garden but you’d be wrong – there’s still time to plant bare root fruit trees this month and next. These plants get a head start when put in the ground in late autumn as young roots begin growing before dormancy kicks in during winter, but this is only possible if the weather is settled with no immediate risk of hard frost.

Unpacking new trees is always exciting and they benefit from a good drink of water after their journey. My bare root plum trees arrived just before Christmas, when I couldn’t drive a fork into the ground, so I had to soak the roots and give them a temporary home in the polytunnel.

Choose a sheltered and sunny spot for fruit trees, since you want the blossom to be protected from cold winds or frost and the fruit to ripen well.

Good drainage is also essential. If you’re worried about whether your preferred site is suitable, check by digging a hole slightly deeper than the root system. Cover it then inspect it 24 hours later – if it fills with water, the ground’s too wet. If necessary, break up a clay or stoney base with a fork and fill the hole with water. If it drains away by the next day, it’s safe to plant.

Then widen the hole so it’s three times the root spread and break any compacted soil round the edge with a fork. This will allow the roots to travel sideways easily.

To encourage root growth, don’t overfeed the soil. Simply mix in two or three spadefuls of homemade compost and sprinkle Rootgrow to encourage the roots to travel horizontal­ly in search of nutrients.

Although you can plant single-handedly, it’s easier to have someone holding the tree upright, while you replace the soil. The tree should be held so the graft is above soil level. The graft is the short, thicker part of the trunk where your chosen variety is grafted on to the rootstock that controls the height and vigour of your tree. If you cover the graft, the stronger rootstock will grow instead of the variety you want.

As one person shovels, the other should gently shoogle the tree so the earth mixes through the roots. Periodical­ly tamp the ground gently round the roots and finally firm the soil on top. It will still be higher

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