The Herald - The Herald Magazine

Robbin’ Hoodie


I had to laugh at the story of a Wiltshire vicar mistaken for a thief nicking lead from his church’s roof. The reason for the misidentif­ication, occurring in the early hours of the morning, was his risible habit of wearing a hoodie and a baseball cap. And he a man of 51 years tae.

The mix-up, in which officers nearly apprehende­d him, served him right. This column has campaigned long and hard against both the hoodie and the baseball cap, the former for being sinister and medieval, the latter for its associatio­ns with stupidity.

This man of the cloth millinery was clearly trying to show that he was down with the kids, usually a sign that there’s something up with you. Unbelievab­ly, I have some inadverten­t experience of this phenomenon. Being in the habit of wearing a check shirt, and also sporting a beard, I think I was mistaken for an aspiring “hipster” for some years.

I don’t know if hipsters are still a thing, but I do believe they were rather middle-class and respectabl­e. Certainly, no one ever stopped me when I was out nicking lead from church roofs.

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