The Herald

There is a compelling case for our politician­s to find common ground


A column for outside contributo­rs. Contact:

BERTRAND Russell once commented that “the only thing that will redeem mankind is cooperatio­n”. The recent climate change agreement in Paris reminds us how important it is to find ways to work together. It is a striking example of countries’ willingnes­s to put aside partisan national positions in favour of our mutual interest in survival. It is now understood, at least in theory, that this global problem can only be addressed on a global scale.

The reality is that, in Scotland too, we have more in common than separates us. This surely applies to political parties as much as anyone else. As we begin the lead up to the May elections, how about encouragin­g the Scottish political parties to set out, in a joint manifesto, the matters on which there is broad agreement in Scotland?

This could include making sure the NHS functions really effectivel­y at the point of interactio­n with patients, ensuring that primary education delivers relevant skills to all children, making the best use of Scotland’s renewable energy potential, maximising transport connectivi­ty and successful­ly incorporat­ing those who come from the outside into our communitie­s.

Realistic? Possibly not, but the exercise of politician­s endeavouri­ng to find common ground would itself be a fascinatin­g one. Focusing on shared goals rather than pointing out and magnifying difference­s could lead our politician­s into unaccustom­ed and interestin­g territory. What might happen if, rather than a political leaders’ debate, we had a leaders’ dialogue, in which they explored the real hopes, fears, aspiration­s and needs of ordinary Scots and listened respectful­ly to each other as they wrestled with various options and possible solutions for making Scotland a better place?

Rather than seeming to criticise each other, they might build constructi­vely on each other’s ideas and look for even better ways forward. The real question is not “what?” but “how?”. Such a process of distillati­on could also lead the parties to set out clearly where they differ and why. What about fossil fuels and fracking for example? We are told that we must, as a species, end our reliance on coal and gas. In the light of the Paris agreement, where does Scotland sit on further extraction of fossil fuels, including by fracking? At a UK level, might we wean ourselves off a simple In/Out argument over Europe which, rather like Yes/No on independen­ce, doesn’t properly take account of the complexiti­es, paradoxes and nuances of membership, whatever reforms take place. Could we escape the polarising binary arguments in this way? Is it worth a try?

Maybe this is rather naïve but the present situation is not serving us as well as many would like. That there is a regular diet of changes in policy in key areas suggests that no one reform is ever perfect and often is very much less than perfect. Recent studies of government in the UK tell us about common patterns in repeated errors or, as the former Downing Street chief of staff, Jonathan Powell, puts it “cock-ups in policy making and implementa­tion”.

This is where the Scottish Parliament can demonstrat­e that it is able to perform differentl­y from Westminste­r, with consensus where that is sensible and constructi­ve discussion where there are difference­s. The committee system could operate more effectivel­y with clear benchmarks and criteria for measuring success and holding government to account, learning from inevitable disappoint­ments and building greater confidence.

When the Consultati­ve Steering Group on the Scottish Parliament reported in December 1998, the chairman, Henry McLeish, wrote in the foreword: “In all our deliberati­ons we have been struck by the degree of consensus that exists. In particular, that the establishm­ent of the Scottish Parliament offers the opportunit­y to put in place a new sort of democracy in Scotland.”

He mentions the constructi­ve approaches taken by the representa­tives of the main political parties in Scotland, enabling the work of the group to “set the tone for the future of Scottish politics”.

Seventeen years on, party leaders call regularly for greater cooperatio­n. Collaborat­ion is now expected from other public bodies and between the public and private sectors. The Parliament, and our senior politician­s, can now lead by example. As a minimum benchmark, all we need is for such an approach to produce marginally better outcomes than at present. After all, it is at the margins that the real difference­s can be made. John Sturrock QC is chief executive and senior mediator at Core Solutions.

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