The Herald

Facebook aids mental health fight


FACEBOOK status updates, “likes” and even photos could help researcher­s better understand mental health disorders, academics have argued.

Researcher­s at Cambridge University acknowledg­ed privacy concerns, but said that, with the right ethical safeguards, social networks could give insight into the onset and early years of mental illness.

Support and interventi­on may be offered via social networks in the future, particular­ly among young people, the study added.

More than one billion people worldwide use Facebook daily, one in seven of the global population.

Researcher­s, writing in Lancet Psychiatry, said up to 92 per cent of adolescent­s use the site daily and disclose considerab­ly more about themselves online than offline.

“Facebook is hugely popular and could provide us with a wealth of data to improve our knowledge of mental health disorders such as depression and schizophre­nia,” said Dr Becky Inkster, the study’s lead author, from the Department of Psychiatry.

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