The Jewish Chronicle

Drama to stand


Edelman’s performanc­e takes in “babysittin­g for rich kids”, working at KFC, a “unique” graduation along with 15,000 others, and a cancer scare.

The personable stand-up — who will be supporting Simon Amstell on his UK tour — reveals an intelligen­t mind.

Until August 24

IN JULIA Pascal’s satirical fantasy, which seeks to deconstruc­t nationalis­m, Joan of Arc is transmogri­fied into Joan Rabinowitz, a Londoner with black Jewish roots. She travels back in time to medieval France, revisits the Holocaust and passes through 19thcentur­y Africa en route, thus encounteri­ng slavery.

Pascal imparts different facets of Joan’s character to her impassione­d cast of three.

Rachel Halper and Juliet Dante are respective­ly the virginal and intellectu­al historian Joan. Gehane Strehler i s Joan the warrior.

It’s an overtly physical and unremittin­gly serious production — and one, at times, I found confusing.

The notion of reclaimi ng J o a n f r o m t h e French far right — for whom she has become a nationalis­t icon — is fine. However, all the jumping around in time with scant signpostin­g left me ultimately unmoved.

Until August 24

 ??  ?? Shout-landish: David Trent
Shout-landish: David Trent

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