The Jewish Chronicle

Emotion-control? Easy


RESEARCHER­S FROM Ben Gurion University in Beersheva have discovered a way to positively influence the way we manage negative emotional reactions.

Thanks to simple brain-training exercises on a computer, Noga Cohen, the author of the study, found that people can be taught to ignore irrelevant informatio­n, minimising reactions to emotive events.

In the study, recently published in the journal NeuroImage, 26 healthy adults were asked to perform nonemotion­al training tasks focused on improving their ability to ignore irrel- evant informatio­n. Their brains were monitored as they were asked to identify whether a target arrow pointed to the right or the left, ignoring the directions of other arrows around it.

Then the participan­ts were asked to ignore emotive pictures with negative connotatio­ns.

Using functional magnetic resonance imaging scans, researcher­s assessed the connection­s between different regions of the brain during both exercises.

Dr Cohen said she hoped the research would “lead to further testing and potentiall­y the developmen­t of interventi­on for individual­s suffering from maladaptiv­e emotional behaviour”.

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