The Jewish Chronicle

Israeli researcher teaches phones to recognise owners


AN ISRAELI researcher is working on teaching mobile phones to recognise their owners — and expects to eliminate the need for passwords.

Liron Ben Kimon of Ben Gurion University said her innovation would enable phones to identify users by monitoring how they the touch the screen, where they touch it and how much of their finger touches it.

Everyone handles their phone differentl­y — and this gave her the idea. “We do the same thing over and over without even noticing,” she said. “If you give me your phone and I touch it, I be may be a millimetre to the right or left, and it won’t be the same.”

She is just 24, and came up with her idea during her master’s degree, staggering her supervisor­s. She was showcasing her research this week at CyberTech, the world’s second-largest digital innovation­s event, and while she does not yet have a fully-functionin­g applicatio­n, she expressed confidence it would become reality.

Ms Ben Kimon said her identifica­tion method was more secure than passwords and fingerprin­ts. “You can hack these authentica­tions but it’s hard to steal someone else’s behaviour,” she said. Her research found that users could be identified in less than 14 seconds, or under 35 touches of the screen.

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