The Oban Times

Renewable Heating

The affordable, sustainabl­e alternativ­e


Ambitious targets to reduce carbon emissions by 42% by 2020 and to deliver 11% of heating from renewable energy places Scotland at the forefront of the UK’s efforts in tackling climate change. Local company Renewables Now are keen to contribute with the help of their customers and say that using a more sustainabl­e fuel or monitoring your heat and energy use could make a huge difference to the way your home demands and supplies energy.

Simple changes like improving insulation, fitting heating controls or installing a renewable heating system can all help to lower carbon emissions and meet these ambitious targets.

The Scottish Government are keen to achieve these targets and have put funding in place such as an interest free loan to help with the initial costs of a renewable installati­on. In 2014 the UK Government launched the Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive, a scheme that over a 7 year period will pay consumers for the amount of renewable energy they produce. With this incentive already proving to be popular it is likely that by 2020 Scotland will be delivering a growing percentage of its heating from renewable sources and these homeowners will pay significan­tly less for their energy bills than their energy casual neighbours who chose not make the change to a more sustainabl­e form of heating.

To find out more call Renewables Now on 0163172058­7 or visit their Barcaldine based showroom and see how switching to a more sustainabl­e heating system could make a positive impact to your home and help towards a lower carbon future for Scotland.

*From October 5th 2015 all households with a biomass heating system will have to source their fuel from a supplier registered on the Biomass Suppliers List (BSL) in order to continue to claim the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI).

The best way to check if you are already using an approved fuel is to call your supplier directly or visit to enter your postcode and find an approved supplier in your area.

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