The Oban Times

Field is leased for £1 a year


THE Balemartin­e schoolhous­e playing field on the Isle of Tiree will be leased to the Balemartin­e Residents’ Associatio­n for 21 years at a peppercorn rent of £1 per annum, following a full council meeting at Argyll and Bute’s headquarte­rs at Kilmory last Thursday.

The associatio­n plans to establish a ‘usable green space and community garden’ on the disused council- owned land, valued at £27,000, for ‘local people to have access to play and learn’.

Council officers, who recommende­d the lease, said: ‘ The do-nothing option would see the playing field unused, with the council potentiall­y occurring annual maintenanc­e costs.

‘An opportunit­y would be missed to turn the disused playing field into an aesthetica­lly pleasing community garden that could be accessed by locals.

‘A break clause would allow the council to break from the lease agreement should anything material change for either party or a more strategic use for this piece of land be considered by the council at a future date.’

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