The Oban Times



A CHINA business trade summit being organised by Brendan O’Hara MP has had to be postponed following the decision to hold a UK general election on Thursday June 8.

Mr O’Hara had been working with the China British Business Council, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Scottish Developmen­t Internatio­nal and Argyll and Bute Council to bring the event to Campbeltow­n on June 22.

Mr O’Hara said: ‘Accessing and exporting into new markets is vital if Scottish business and local economies such as ours are to flourish. Businesses that export are usually more profitable, have greater productivi­ty and are more financiall­y secure, thereby creating more jobs and greater prosperity.

‘However, only 11 per cent of UK businesses export and a mere seven per cent of UK exporters target high growth economies such as China.’

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