The Oban Times

The new housing apprentice­ships


HOUSING apprentice­ships are changing.

The introducti­on of new housing apprentice­ship standards represents a fantastic opportunit­y to bring through new talent into the sector – allowing housing organisati­ons to build a bespoke programme of training around a young person to give them the skills they need to excel in a specific role.

This great opportunit­y to bring fresh energy into housing requires a significan­t level of buy-in and support from housing organisati­ons to deliver the training and assessment needed.

Whether you know about the changes or not, if you have a pay bill of more than £3 million, which the vast majority of housing organisati­ons do, you will now be contributi­ng to an apprentice­ship levy which came into effect on April 6.

If you don’t draw down the levy and use it to pay for new apprentice­ships, you lose it. And in order to make the most of it, you need to know how to navigate the new standards. That’s where we, the Chartered Institute for Housing in Scotland, come in. With a century of experience equipping housing profession­als with the skills they need to do the brilliant work they do, we can help you make the most of the new housing apprentice­ships – whatever stage of the journey you are at.

To find out more about the changes and how we can help visit; apprentice­ships.

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