Sunday People

Sir Roger the winning Bond


UNIVERSITY of St Andrews researcher­s gave injections of the “love hormone” oxytocin to wild sea pups. The animals hit it off instantly, sought out each other’s company and remained physically close. But did they seal the deal? FAREWELL then, Sir Roger Moore – suavest of Bonds and the only man to look sexy in a 1970s safari suit.

There have been some wonderful tributes to the actor, who died from cancer at the age of 89. But critics were often sniffy about his 007, calling him sexist and cliched, too fond of double entendres. He was – which is why we loved him.

And Sir Roger delivered everyy quip with impeccable timing,iming, the merest flicker of ironyony and, of course, a perfectlyc­tlyy raised eyebrow.

Actor Steven Berkoff,f, who played Bond baddie General Orlov in the 1983 movie Octopussy, saw another side to Sir Roger, though.

“He was vastly underrated as an actor,”” he said. “He had a beautiful voice and a persuasive way of speaking – very compelling. He could have done Shakespear­e – a very, very good Claudius in Hamlet. But nobody would give him a chance.”

I’m sure he could. But Sir Roger used his fame to become a Unicef goodwill ambassador, considerin­g that his greatest achievemen­t.

I suspect he was more than happy entertaini­ng us as Bond rather than in Shakespear­e. More eyebrow than highbrow.

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