Sunday People

England must be system addicts

Turn around the Gunners

- By Steve Stammers

“We also had a great togetherne­ss. Back in 1996, Aime Jacquet began planning for the WorldBACKC­upin1996,that wasAimetoJ­acquetbest­agedbegant­wo years Andlaterif­youinhisha­ve just one who is a bad homeplanni­ngcountryf­or theofFranc­e.World Cup that was influence, it can affect the whole toThebe nationalst­agedtwoman­ageryears laterhad seeninhish­is team

squad.reach the semi-homefinals­countryoft­heof EuropeanFr­ance. Championsh­ips “inEvenEngl­andtheplay­ers who were not andThenown­ationalset­aboutmanag­erhisstrat­egyhadseen­forvictory­hisplaying­inFranceth­at98.often were solid in the

teamAnd reachwhen thehefinal­isedsemi-finalshis ofselectio­nthe theregroup.two No–toone is happy if they are not many,Europeangl­aringChamp­ionship–omissions...inEricEngl­andCantona playing.andDavidBu­t they did not let the Ginola.andnow set about his strategy for disappoint­ment affect them.”

victory“Alot inof Francepeop­le98.were surprised at that,” saidEnglan­d,Manuin contrast, have had Petit,Andwhowhen­did makehefina­lisedthecu­thisandsel­ectionwent­on toproblems­enjoyWorld­inmajor tournament finals. Cuptheresu­ccesswere twofollowe­d–to many,byEuropean­glaringglo­ry– twoAsmanag­eryearslat­erGareth Southgate inomission­s.Hollandand­EricBelgiu­m.Cantona (right) and pointed out after the 2-2 draw with

David“IfyouGinol­a.asked anyone around that time,Scotlandth­enCantonak­epthis squad on course for and“GinolaAlot­ofwouldpeo­plehavewer­ebeen the nexttwosum­mer’smost finals in Russia, famoussurp­risedandat­maybethat,” mostsaid Englandtal­entedhave won only three FrenchEmma­nuelplayer­sPetitarou­nd.whodid knockout matches in 25 years.

make“ButtheJacq­uetcutandl­eftwentthe­monout – and“We have to change that if weto wonenjoytw­oWorldsucc­essiveCups­uccess we reach the finals,” said tournament­sfollowedb­y withEurope­anbasicall­yglory Southgate. Petit said: “Maybe thetwosame­yearssquad.later inIt justHollan­dproves thatthelon­gthe season has taken its bestandpla­yersBelgiu­ not always have toll.aplaceTher­ein is no winter break in the “bestIfyout­eam.”asked anyone around that England and many teams played four time,Sowhatthen­didCantona­Jacquetand­haveGinola­inhiswould­squad thatmatche­smadein 10 days over Christmas. have been the two most famous and “It is tough in England, very maybe most talented French players. demanding. But they also need a way

“But Jacquet left them out – and of playing that is settled. We had that we won two successive tournament­s with France in 1998 and 2000. with basically the same squad. It just “We didn’t play my way or your proves the best players do not always way. We played OUR way. have a place in the best team.” “We had a system and we stuck to

So what did Jacquet have in his it. And there were players on the pitch squad that made them so successful? who made sure that we did.

“We had a team of proven winners “I watched England play against and we had a team with leaders,” Scotland and when they lost 3-2 to said Petit, who scored in the 3-0 win France and I could not tell you the in the World Cup final against Brazil. system they were playing.”

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