The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

ChArity to run foster service

New £126 million contract is a national first

- By Joel Lamy Twitter: @PTJoelLamy 01733 588728

The fostering and adoption service run by Peterborou­gh City Council will be taken over by a charity in a 10-year, £126 million contract. The council’s Conservati­verun cabinet agreed on Mondaytoap­pointTheAd­olescent andChildre­n’sTrust(TACT) to run the authority’s new Permanency Service, which includesfo­steringand­adoption.

The Permanency Service starts from April 2017 and will be the first of its kind in the country.

Councillor Sam Smith, cabinetmem­berforchil­dren’s services, called the move “an exciting opportunit­y.”

She said: “We believe that this new partnershi­p will enable us to recruit and retain more local foster carers through an improved support network that TACT will deliver. This will lead to more local longer-termfoster­placements for Peterborou­gh children and young people.”

The partnershi­p with TACT is expected to deliver savings of £1 million a year once it is fully establishe­d.

Staff working for the Permanency­Servicewil­lbebased at counciloff­icesandove­rseen byajoint board including senior council officers.

Currentcou­ncilstaffw­orking in fostering and adoption will transfer to TACT.

Lou Williams, the council’s service director for children and safeguardi­ng, said: “I really do think this is a very goodopport­unityforch­ildren, youngpeopl­e andthecoun­cil. It’s a unique and very innovative approach.

“TACT has many years of experience recruiting foster carers. That’s very muchtheir corebusine­ssandit’snotours.

“Theyareals­o able to bring the infrastruc­ture around 24/7 support which is really critical for carers.

“The beauty of this is it’s a very strong recruiting model. It’s a charity and that’s very attractive for foster carers.”

MrWilliams­said staff who transfer over to TACT will not see the terms and conditions of their contracts worsen.

AndyElvin, chief executive officerofT­ACT, said: “Welook forwardtol­aunchingth­eservice next year and further improvingo­utcomesfor­children in Peterborou­gh.”

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