The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Stop blaming each other


It is typical that Peterborou­gh’s current politician­s are more interested in assigning blame for a problem than seeking to mitigate the problem - Peterborou­gh needs an adequate and balanced housing provision (Peterborou­gh Telegraph 27/09/16).

In the unlikely event that the city council has a surplus of three bed houses, then allow multiple occupancy in them.

This could house several homeless at a time!

This would be better for the residents and cheaper than Travelodge.

More likely, it is a case of simply not enough housing, again this can be mitigated by allowing mobile homes to be located on some of the redundant land scattered around Peterborou­gh, again better and cheaper than Travelodge!

Cambridges­hire councils have resisted nearly all such innovation­s in service provi- sion. An elected Mayor from next May will have an opportunit­y to bring fresh ideas to mitigate, if not solve many of the service provisions Peter Dawe Mayor candidate Peterborou­gh and Cambridges­hire

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