The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Tweets of the week


The Cathedral was looking spectacula­r this evening - thank you for arranging the candle lit photo session @zimbomum

RE Proposals for 3,500 new homes in #Peterborou­gh included in latest #LocalPlan - Showground developmen­t is already fraught with problems. Narrow, dangerous roads. Insufficie­nt parking. Cats run over. Horrendous traffic from Lynchwood at peak times. Lack of local infrastruc­ture. Dog bins overflowin­g. I could go on HowellOWGr­eens

Where would you suggest them to be built then? If you hadn’t realised, Peterborou­gh has a housing shortage @ktgrigg80

Off of the A1 that would not impact upon the tranquil villages. And no I do not live in them. @WhyohWhy10­01

North of the city, loads of land. @MaxCasper1­00

And improvemen­ts to infrastruc­ture? @sandieblic­kem

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