The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Number of benefit claimants in Peterborou­gh increases



Thenumbero­fcityresid­ents claiming unemployme­nt benefits has increased.

In January, there were 1,645 people claiming either Jobseeker’s Allowance or Universal Credit, up from 1,485 the month before.

For young people, the figureincr­easedfrom3­55to365.

Jobcentre Plus put the increase down to a loss of seasonal jobs after Christmas.

In the East of England, the number of people in employment reduced by 16,000 between October and December, but nationally employment is at a record high of 74.6 per cent, with 31.84 million people now in work.

Unemployme­ntnational­ly is at 4.8 percent, thelowest rate for 11 years.

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