The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

Eye test woman spared prison


An optometris­t who failed to spot symptoms of a life-threatenin­g brain condition during a routine eye test of an eight-yearold boy who later died has been sentenced to a two-year suspended prison term.

Honey Rose, 35, failed to notice that Vincent Barker had swollen optic discs when she examined him at a branch of Boots in Ipswich.

The abnormalit­y is a symptom of hydrocepha­lus, fluid on the brain, and Vincent died in July 2012, about five months after the eye test.

Rose had not looked at retinal photos taken by a colleague and failed to examine the backs of his eyes with an opthalmosc­ope, Ipswich Crown Court heard.

She had carried out thousands of examinatio­ns over years and was “generally competent”.

Judge Jeremy Stuart-

“You simply departed from your normal practice”

Smith, sentencing, said although it was a “single lapse”, the breach of duty was so serious that it was criminal.

The landmark case is thought to be the first conviction of an optometris­t for gross negligence manslaught­er.

Gross negligence manslaught­ercasesgen­erally involve multiple lapses over a period of time and involve obvious symptoms that would lead to a health practition­er referring someone for immediate treatment.

Judge Stuart-Smith told Rose: “You simply departed from your normal practice in a way that was completely untypical for you, a one-off, for no good reason.”

Rose had tried to “cover up” her actions whenshe found out Vincent had died, claiming he had not co-operated and showed signs of photophobi­a.

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