The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)


- by Patrick Arundell

Aries Mar 21-Apr 20

Taking things one step at a time may be an easier way to handle your to-do list. Furthermor­e, getting any important tasks out of the way first could be more effective as your energy can shift.

Taurus Apr 21May 21

A desire to help can encourage you to connect with those who need assistance or to join in community projects. But, you may also become keenly aware if a friend is keeping a matter to themselves and doesn't want to bother you with it Taurus.

Gemini May 22Jun 21

A brilliant idea could allow you to make progress with a plan. It could equally coincide with an encounter that has a sparkling effect and that encourages you to look at an aspect of your life in a new way. Doing so could bring about a breakthrou­gh.

Cancer Jun 22Jul 23

With the Moon moving through your sector of goals and ambitions and linking to Uranus and Pluto, you may feel some pressure with your next move. Appraising the situation with intuitive understand­ing, can help you make the right choice.

Leo Jul 24-Aug 23

It may be the encouragem­ent of friends that pushes you to explore an option that could take you into new territory. As a result, you might have the chance to learn new skills or perhaps to travel to places that could enrich you in all sorts of positive ways, Leo.

Virgo Aug 24-Sep 23

A decision to finish a project that you may have started a while back could turn out to be a good one, as it may lead to personal growth and a deepening of your experience. This is a good time to tie up any loose ends.

Libra Sep 24-Oct 23

A harmonious tie between Venus and Neptune can be a call to give more time to someone who may benefit from your understand­ing. Befriend them and encourage them to talk.

Scorpio Oct 24Nov 22

Recent weeks may have provided an opportunit­y to look beneath the surface and consider the deeper causes of an ongoing situation. You may have found it easier to connect with your feelings over recent weeks allowing further insights.

Sagittariu­s Nov 23Dec 21

If it seems that someone is being engaging and friendly when they might usually keep a distance, it is natural to wonder why. It could be due to an upbeat aspect.

Capricorn Dec 22Jan 20

Celestial forces suggest that while you may prefer to be open with a certain person, they might give answers that can be interprete­d either way. This may be down to a tie between Venus and Neptune which could blur meanings.

Aquarius Jan 21Feb 19

An invite or opportunit­y can mean the coming days sparkle with promise and give you something to look forward to. Make the most of such impromptu happenings, as the energy is about to shift.

Pisces Feb 20Mar 20

Although your attention may be on family matters and self-care, you might also relish the opportunit­y for some leisure time or to learn a new skill. It might be easier to acquire such skills from scratch, and from there to start harvesting the fruits of your investment.

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