The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)



I’ve always respected Kate Adie and remember her when she was a war correspond­ent during the Balkan and Kosovo conflicts. In her autobiogra­phy she tells of an encounter with some village folk, standing in bombed and burned out village ruins. They were watching an iron plate laid over a small fire. Their eyes were riveted on the plate, on which sizzled a tiny heap of chopped up potato; then an egg was broken on to the feast. She was moved by the hunger and anticipati­on of the onlookers, clearly seeing their first meal in days. Then she writes, “The mixture was deftly divided in two by the woman, using a bit of cardboard, sliding the yellowy lumps on to it. With a gesture born of natural habit she turned and offered it to us. We were stunned with embarrassm­ent that kindness to strangers extends this far.”

I’ve never forgotten that phrase, kindness to strangers. Hospitalit­y is a deeply human, gently humane, and profoundly humanising gesture. The offer of welcome, the invitation to trust, the sharing of food, are each a recognitio­n of the worth and gift that is the neighbour. The Good Samaritan parable is a story meant to transform the way we see and treat other people, especially the vulnerable stranger.

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