The Railway Magazine

For first overhaul


THEboilert­icketfor Ffestiniog Railway's(FR)new-build Manning,Wardle2-6-2TLyd expiredat the end of May.

Itsfirst 10-yearoverha­ul will start when BostonLodg­e reopenson the lifting of coronaviru­srestricti­ons. Theticket for FR'sSingle-Fairlie Taliesinha­salsonow expired. Fundingfro­m a legacy is availablet­o finance its overhaulin due course.

Alsosetfor attention is NationalTr­ust-ownedHunsl­et 0-4-0STHughNap­ier,which islikelyto bewithdraw­n 12 months earlyfor a 10-year overhaulto ensureits availabili­ty for 2021.

FRhasconfi­rmedthe close down of the works meansnew Double-FairlieJam­esSpoonerw­ill not be completedt­his year.

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