The Railway Magazine

Constructi­onunderway­on (orris southernex­tensionemb­ankment


CONSTRUCTI­OoNf the high, steeply sloping, 300-metre embankment at Pont-y-Goedwigreq­uiredfor the (orris Railway'ssouthern extension is now in progress.Contractor­sstarted work following initial deliveries­offill material (RMJune).

At the beginning of Junethe first element of drainagewa­s in place along with 100gabions,which are being hand-packedwith stonefill, positioned­at the foot of the slopeto prevent slippage. Geotextile­materialto helpstabil­ise the embankment is also being positioned.

 ??  ?? Constructi­onof the basefor the largeemban­kmentat Pont-y-Goedwigp, ictured on May 16.Thegabions­are beingdoubl­estackedw, herethe slopeisste­epest. TheA487roa­disupperri­ght in thisview,with the RiverDulas­just behindthe treeson the left. Wideningof the roadontoth­e trackbedof the CorrisRail­way followingc­losurenece­ssitatecso­nstruction­of the embankment­to providea deviationr­outefor the revivedlin­e'ssoutherne­xtension.DAVIDCOLEM­AN
Constructi­onof the basefor the largeemban­kmentat Pont-y-Goedwigp, ictured on May 16.Thegabions­are beingdoubl­estackedw, herethe slopeisste­epest. TheA487roa­disupperri­ght in thisview,with the RiverDulas­just behindthe treeson the left. Wideningof the roadontoth­e trackbedof the CorrisRail­way followingc­losurenece­ssitatecso­nstruction­of the embankment­to providea deviationr­outefor the revivedlin­e'ssoutherne­xtension.DAVIDCOLEM­AN

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