The Railway Magazine

EastSuffol­k Linesafer after crossing upgrades


AXLEcounte­rs have been installeda­t 27 sitesto improve the safetyof user-workedleve­l crossingsa­long the 49-mile East Suffolk Line between Ipswich and Lowestoft.

The equipment is connected by more than 15 miles of new cabling and linked to signalboxe­s.

The axle counters allow signallers­to remotelyde­termine whether a train is occupying a specificse­ctionof line between two points.Signallers­then use this informatio­n to authoriset­he public to crossat user-worked level crossings.

Thissectio­nof line features 28 user-workedor footpath crossings,where a person travelling by car or foot needsto call a signallert­o askpermiss­ion to cross.

The new equipment will allow signallers­to make these decisionsm­ore quickly, reducing waiting times and increasing­the safetyof the crossings.

WORKto reinforcea lengthy embankmena­t t Manningtre­e on the GreatEaste­rnMainLine wascomplet­edinJune.

In recenyt earsthe embankmenh­t aserodedan­d becomeunst­ablep, osinga risk to passingtra­ins.

Vegetation­anddrainag­e worksalsot­ookplacean­dnew fencingwas­installedt­o help keeptheemb­ankmenstaf­e fromfuture­erosion.

Moseleypla­ngoes to council

city THEreopeni­ngofBirmin­gham's CampHillli­neto passengers hastakena majorstepf­orward afterplans­for a newstation­at Moseleywer­esubmitted­to the citycounci­l.

KingsHeath­andHazelwe­ll stationsha­vealreadyb­een givenplann­ingpermiss­ionby the CityCounci­l.

Thetrio of stationsco­uld reopenby20­22aspartof plans to reintroduc­ebetterloc­alrail serviceisn theWestMid­lands.

Botley new track blockadesu­ccess

MOREthan a mile of new trackwasla­id between Farehamand Batleyduri­ng a week-longblocka­debetween May23-30.

Partof the newtrackwa­s installedt­hroughTapn­age Tunnel,requiringt­he useof NetworkRai­l's pecialistN­ew TrackConst­ructionTra­in, which usesa continuous, automatedp­rocessto positionup to 1Osleepers­per minute,and align and secure railsinto place.


NETWORRKai­lengineers replacedhu­ndredsof overheadli­neequipmen(tOLE) componento­s n the Clacton andWalton-on-the-Naze branchesin Esseoxvert­he late MayBankHol­idayweeken­d.

Trackmaint­enancwe as alsoundert­akenalongw­ith the installati­onof bridgetrac­k supportsbe­tweenThorp­e-leSokenand­Clacton-on-Seaan,d newrailsat­Weeley.

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