The Railway Magazine

Abellio warned over servicesbr­eachin the Ruhr


ABELLIOwas given a formal warning by transport authoritie­s in Germany'sRuhr region in Mayfor failing to operate large numbersof contracted­services.

Theoperato­r is suffering from a severe shortageof drivers,havingtake­n over several5-Bahnand regional routesfrom DBin Decemberw, hich aresuppose­dto be operated by brand new'Flirt' EMUs provided by transport authority VRR.

Most of the former DBdrivers have remainedwi­th the company,meaning Abellio hashad to recruit and train new drivers.

SinceMay,loco-hauledtrai­ns havebeen hired (completewi­th drivers)to operate the 53 5-Bahnroute (Oberhausen-EssenHatti­ngen Mitte), most usingClass­182.5 'Taurus'locos,although Abellio hasbeen told it must replacethe­m with the new EMUsby July at the latest.

Abellio took overthe contractto operate the region'sbusiestre­gional route (RE1 Aachento Hamm)from June 14,but having insufficie­nttrain crew it has sub-contracted­more than half of the trains backto former operator DBuntil Decemberat the earliest.

 ??  ?? MRCE'Taurus'locoNo. 182 597 seenon arrival at Hattingen (Ruhr)on June6 with an 53 serviceto Hattingen Mitte. PATRICWKAT­ERS
MRCE'Taurus'locoNo. 182 597 seenon arrival at Hattingen (Ruhr)on June6 with an 53 serviceto Hattingen Mitte. PATRICWKAT­ERS
 ??  ??

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