The Scarborough News

Unexpected tales


Anyone would be unsure of what was in store when faced with a large fold-out poster entitled ‘The Unexpected’. This proved to be the case at the first March meeting of the Filey Probus Club.

Leaflets had been placed on chairs by guest speaker Wendy Holroyd, a director of the arts and culture charity Create which runs the annual Coastival in Scarboroug­h, Whitby and Filey.

The newspaper-style publicatio­ns were advertisin­g Coastival, which ended this year’s programme in midFebruar­y after presenting two days of music, drama and exhibition­s – without charge.

It features more than 900 artists and has benefited the local economy by £2.8 million.

The second meeting in March also produced an unexpected opening when presidentP­aulHarriso­nintroduce­d his wife as guest speaker, with a pattern of hand movements in complete silence.

He explained that he was making an unexpected greeting to members before Rosemary Harrison began her talk ‘Hearing Dogs for Deaf People’.

While Rosemary spoke, her “hearing” dog, Hanson, remained quietly lying on a rug alongside her, occasional­ly lifting an eyelid to scan her audience.

Rosemary said that Hanson, a 10-year-old Labradorcr­oss, had become a member of the family, a working dog as well as a pet while describing the time Hanson had jerked her back from an approachin­g bus.

She said that dogs trained by the organisati­on enjoyed a special place in the community, being allowed in public places and hopping onboard buses and trains.

On the personal front, Rosemary underlined the importance of a lip-reading skill as a means of communicat­ion, advising people not to shout as this distorted the mouth which made words more difficult to understand.

The speaker on April 5 will be James Hodgson who will talk on ‘Life and Times in London, Los Angeles – and Filey’ at the Masonic Hall in Rutland Street.

There will be no routine meeting on Wednesday, April 19, when members, their ladies and guests, meet at The Expanse Hotel in Bridlingto­n for the club’s spring luncheon.

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